They Call Me Baba Booey |
Gary Dell'Abate (aka Baba Booey) is one of the greatest radio personalities on the planet is Howard Stern's producer. Gary was visiting Torrance, California this weekend for his book signing "
They Call Me Baba Booey"

and also appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show to redeem himself to show everyone he can throw a baseball properly. If you listen to the Howard Stern Show on Sirius / XM on a daily basis you will know about his famous pitch at the Mets game earlier this year and then now on the Jimmy Kimmel show. In the 2nd video below from the Jimmy Kimmel show, he hits a woman in the head and an audience member catches the wide pitch. He has thrown 4 pitches and they all have been wild pitches. I love him but Gary how can you possibly coach your son's baseball team? I hope you are not the pitching coach. On a side note, Howard Stern's contract ends this year and it remains to be seen if he will stay with Sirius or move to a new company like
Pandora internet radio. Gary will likely follow him there having been together for more than 25 years. This should be a great book to read given all of the goofy bits over the last 2 decades.