Less Than .01% of Mobile Apps Are Used on A Consistent Basis

RIP 99% of Mobile Apps

Great Quote from VP of Global Marketing at Facebook Carolyn Everson. 

"80% of the time users spend time on top 4 apps. .00087% of apps are actually used on a consistent basis."  This quote was from the Keynote address at CES 2016.  

This is why we don't develop apps. Apps are too expensive and no ROI.

In today’s digital era, mobile applications have become indispensable tools for communication, entertainment, work, and everything in between. The app marketplace is teeming with millions of options, each vying for a share of our increasingly limited attention spans. However, a startling revelation has emerged: less than 0.01% of mobile apps are used on a consistent basis.

This figure underscores a profound truth about user behavior and app utility. While the average smartphone user might have dozens of apps installed, only a tiny fraction of these are used regularly. The reasons for this disparity are manifold, involving aspects of user experience, app design, and market saturation.

The Overabundance of Choice

The sheer volume of apps available in app stores today can be overwhelming. Users are inundated with choices, leading to a paradox of choice where the abundance of options makes it harder for any single app to stand out. Consequently, even well-designed apps may struggle to maintain consistent usage as users flit from one novelty to another.

User Engagement and Retention Challenges

User engagement is a critical metric for app developers. A well-designed app that meets a clear need can still struggle with user retention. Factors such as app usability, relevance, and the user’s immediate needs play pivotal roles. Apps that fail to offer continuous value or that do not evolve with user preferences often see a steep drop in usage over time.

Moreover, the nature of the app itself can influence its retention rate. Utility apps, such as those for banking or productivity, might see higher engagement compared to entertainment apps, which users might use sporadically. This variability highlights the challenge of creating an app that not only attracts users but also keeps them coming back.

The Role of User Experience

A seamless and intuitive user experience is crucial for fostering consistent app usage. Apps that are cumbersome, slow, or difficult to navigate quickly drive users away. In contrast, apps that offer a smooth, engaging, and personalized experience are more likely to retain users over the long term. This underscores the importance of continual updates and user feedback integration in app development.

The Impact of App Fatigue

App fatigue is a significant factor in the low usage rates of most mobile applications. As users accumulate more apps, their attention becomes more fragmented, and the novelty of new apps diminishes more rapidly. This phenomenon often leads users to stick with a few core apps that they find indispensable, relegating others to the background.

Strategies for Enhancing Consistent Use

For developers aiming to increase the likelihood of their app being one of the few consistently used, several strategies can be employed. First, focusing on solving a specific problem or fulfilling a clear need can help differentiate an app from the multitude of alternatives. Second, investing in a superior user experience with intuitive design and regular updates can enhance user satisfaction and retention. Lastly, understanding and adapting to user behavior through data analytics and feedback loops is essential for maintaining relevance and engagement.

In conclusion, while the app marketplace is vast, the challenge of maintaining consistent user engagement is formidable. Less than 0.01% of mobile apps achieving this feat is a testament to the difficulties inherent in the industry. For app developers, the journey toward creating a consistently used app is fraught with challenges, but with a clear focus on user needs, experience, and engagement strategies, it is a goal within reach.