How Many Sole Proprietorships are there in the U.S.

sole proprietors, s corps and c corps growth chart 
Today, there over 23 million sole proprietorships, 1.7 million traditional C corporations and 7.4 million partnerships and S corporations.  Over 70 percent of businesses in the United States are sole proprietorships. A sole proprietorship is a type of business that is owned and run by a single person, though it may have multiple employees.

The Landscape of Sole Proprietorships in the U.S.: A Comprehensive Overview

Sole proprietorships, the simplest and most common form of business entity in the United States, play a vital role in the country's economic landscape. Characterized by their ease of setup and minimal regulatory requirements, sole proprietorships are a popular choice among entrepreneurs and small business owners. As of the most recent data, there are approximately 23 million sole proprietorships in the U.S., making up a significant portion of the nation's business ecosystem.

Defining Sole Proprietorships

A sole proprietorship is a type of business structure where a single individual owns and operates the business. Unlike corporations or partnerships, sole proprietorships do not have a separate legal identity from their owner. This straightforward setup means that the owner has full control over all decisions and is personally liable for all business debts and obligations. Due to this direct relationship, the formation and operation of a sole proprietorship are relatively uncomplicated, often requiring only a business license and possibly a fictitious name registration, depending on state laws.

The Prevalence of Sole Proprietorships

The high number of sole proprietorships reflects the entrepreneurial spirit and the desire for independence among many Americans. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), sole proprietorships account for about 73% of all businesses in the country. These businesses range from home-based ventures, like freelance writing and consulting, to small retail shops and service providers. The flexibility and simplicity of the sole proprietorship structure make it particularly appealing to individuals who are starting small and looking to minimize initial costs and administrative burdens.

Economic Impact and Challenges

Sole proprietorships contribute significantly to the U.S. economy, driving innovation and job creation. They are often the backbone of local economies, providing goods and services that cater to community needs. However, these businesses also face unique challenges. The lack of a legal distinction between the owner and the business can lead to personal financial risk, especially if the business incurs debt or faces legal action. Additionally, sole proprietorships may find it difficult to access funding and resources compared to larger, more established business entities.

Trends and Future Outlook

In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend towards the growth of online and home-based sole proprietorships, fueled by advances in technology and changing consumer behaviors. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this trend, as many individuals turned to online platforms to start or expand their businesses. This shift has opened new opportunities for sole proprietorships, although it also presents new challenges, such as increased competition and the need for digital marketing expertise.

Looking ahead, the number of sole proprietorships is expected to continue growing, driven by a combination of technological advancements and a continued interest in entrepreneurship. While these businesses will face ongoing challenges, their resilience and adaptability will likely ensure their integral role in the U.S. economy for years to come.


Sole proprietorships are a cornerstone of the U.S. business landscape, offering a straightforward and accessible way for individuals to enter the world of entrepreneurship. With millions of these businesses operating across the country, they not only enhance economic diversity but also foster innovation and local economic development. As the business environment continues to evolve, the role of sole proprietorships will remain crucial, supported by the spirit of innovation and determination that defines the American entrepreneurial landscape.