Should Snapchat Should Buy A Mapping Company?

I think if Snapchat bought a mapping company it would boost its stock price and long term product vision? SNAP stock price is down 20% since the IPO and I think the product is not user friendly enough.

Social media companies like Facebook and Twitter still have done a poor job of using maps to help their users communicate.  Snap has a real opportunity to do something different in the mapping space that is still fairly underserved in social media.  Google+ could have used maps in their product as well and they blew this opportunity.  There are so many small mapping companies that could help them build an amazing product.

In the dynamic world of social media and technology, companies are constantly seeking ways to innovate and expand their services to capture and retain user engagement. Snapchat, the popular multimedia messaging app known for its ephemeral nature and creative features, is no exception. As Snapchat continues to evolve, the question arises: Should Snapchat consider acquiring a mapping company? This proposal holds potential for enhancing Snapchat’s offerings and bolstering its competitive edge in the market.

The Current Landscape of Snapchat

Snapchat has established itself as a leader in the social media space, with a distinctive approach that emphasizes visual communication through photos, videos, and augmented reality (AR) features. The platform's strong focus on user interaction and creativity has garnered a loyal user base, particularly among younger demographics. However, as user expectations and technological advancements continue to evolve, Snapchat must consider how to stay ahead of the curve.

The Value of Mapping Technology

Mapping technology is a crucial component in today’s digital ecosystem, powering applications from navigation to location-based services. Integrating advanced mapping features could offer Snapchat users a more immersive and interactive experience. For instance, users could leverage maps to explore AR-enhanced locations, discover nearby events, or even engage in location-based games and challenges. This integration could make Snapchat a more versatile platform, seamlessly blending social interaction with real-world exploration.

Potential Benefits of Acquisition

  1. Enhanced User Experience: By acquiring a mapping company, Snapchat could integrate detailed and dynamic maps into its app. This could enhance features like Snap Map, making it more interactive and useful for users to share their locations, discover friends nearby, or find popular spots in their area.

  2. Innovation in AR and Location-Based Services: Snapchat has been a pioneer in AR technology with features like Lenses and World Lenses. A partnership with a mapping company could amplify these capabilities, allowing users to experience more sophisticated AR overlays that are contextually relevant to their physical surroundings.

  3. Monetization Opportunities: Enhanced mapping features could open new avenues for monetization, such as location-based advertising, sponsored AR experiences, and partnerships with local businesses. This could provide Snapchat with additional revenue streams, diversifying its financial portfolio beyond traditional advertising.

  4. Competitive Advantage: In the competitive social media landscape, having robust mapping capabilities could set Snapchat apart from rivals like Instagram and TikTok, which have yet to fully harness the power of location-based services in a meaningful way.

Challenges to Consider

While the potential benefits are compelling, there are also challenges associated with acquiring a mapping company. Integrating complex mapping technology into Snapchat’s existing platform could be technically demanding and resource-intensive. Additionally, privacy and data security concerns must be addressed, as users’ location data is highly sensitive and must be handled with the utmost care.


The idea of Snapchat acquiring a mapping company presents an intriguing opportunity to enhance its platform’s capabilities and user experience. By integrating advanced mapping features, Snapchat could offer more dynamic and engaging content, driving user growth and retention. However, this move would require careful planning and execution to navigate technical challenges and privacy considerations. Ultimately, whether Snapchat should pursue this acquisition will depend on its strategic goals and the potential to deliver significant value to its user base.