Error Linking AdSense Account to GA4 Google Analytics

Error Linking AdSense Account to GA4

How to fix Google Analytics & AdSense integration without any customer service from Google. 

I've followed the new instructions released last week to connect my Adsense Account with my GA4 property. When going to Account > Access and Authorization> Google Analytics Integration, the page opens and I get the error:

There was an error retrieving Google Analytics account information (RETRY BUTTON)

I've confirmed I am logged into GA4 and Adsense with the same GMAIL account and both have Administrator rights into both systems.

Something is broken...

I spoke with the Adsense Support team and they told me:

Upon checking, we are unable to directly assist you as this issue is not related to AdSense but rather to . To find an answer to your question, I would suggest you reach out to the Google Analytics Support Team through this form.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Follow the discussion on Reddit and please comment below if you have any suggestions. 

Does unlinking UA solve this problem?  Will this be resolved with UA shuts down?

Yes it does fix the problem if you unlink your old UA profiles. 

Integrate GA4 with Google Adsense
by u/wellwisher_a in TechSEO