Google News Showcase Is Awesome!

Google News Showcase - Syndicated Maps

We recommend following the news sources you trust.   All Syndicated Maps news sources can be followed by visiting our individual blogs and then following each blog as a source.  

Simply do a search for the news source in Google News and follow the source. 

how to follow Google News source

Google News Showcase is a program launched by Google in October 2020 to support and promote quality journalism. It is a licensing initiative designed to compensate news publishers for their content and help readers discover and engage with their stories.

Through Google News Showcase, participating publishers can curate their content and present it in a more engaging and visually appealing format. The program allows publishers to highlight their editorial voice, provide more context to their articles, and offer readers an enhanced news experience.

Google News Showcase displays curated story panels from various publishers in a dedicated section within the Google News app, Google Discover, and search results. These panels typically include a headline, a brief summary, and the option to expand the story for more details. Publishers have the flexibility to customize the appearance of their showcases and include branding elements to differentiate their content.

The program aims to give readers more insight into the stories they care about, as well as to foster a sustainable ecosystem for news organizations. Google has committed to paying participating publishers for their content, with agreements varying based on factors like the publisher's audience size and the amount of content provided. The specific financial arrangements are negotiated between Google and each individual publisher.

Google News Showcase is available in select countries and continues to expand to include more publishers over time. It is part of Google's broader efforts to support journalism and address the challenges faced by the news industry in the digital age.

Discussions about media bias, including Google News, are topics of concern for many people.

When it comes to news bias, it's important to recognize that bias can exist in various forms, including political bias, sensationalism, or selective reporting. It is essential for news consumers to be critical and discerning, seeking multiple sources and perspectives to form a well-rounded understanding of any given topic.

Google News itself is an algorithm-based platform that aggregates news articles from various sources based on user preferences, search history, and other factors. While Google aims to provide a diverse range of news sources, it's possible that individual users may experience a personalized news feed that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs or preferences, potentially reinforcing a particular bias.

To mitigate bias and expand their perspectives, users can take several steps, including:

Diversify news sources: Seek information from a variety of sources, including those with different political leanings and perspectives.

Fact-checking: Verify the accuracy of the information by cross-referencing multiple sources and consulting reputable fact-checking organizations.

Critical thinking: Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the content, sources, and potential biases in news articles.

Engage with different viewpoints: Engage in constructive discussions and consider alternative viewpoints to challenge your own assumptions and broaden your understanding.

Remember that media bias is not limited to a single platform or search engine but can exist across various news outlets. By being an informed and critical news consumer, you can better navigate the complexities of news bias and develop a well-rounded perspective.

Does Google Censor The News?

There have been concerns and controversies regarding potential censorship or biased content removal on Google News or other Google services.  Google has faced criticism from different quarters regarding the alleged censorship or bias in its search results or news aggregation. Some individuals or organizations have accused Google of suppressing certain viewpoints or favoring specific political ideologies. However, Google has consistently maintained that its algorithms and policies are designed to be neutral and unbiased, prioritizing factors such as relevance, quality, and user experience.  Google has guidelines and policies in place to ensure that certain types of content are not displayed, such as illegal content, hate speech, or what it deems harmful misinformation.

How to appear on Google News?

If you're a publisher or a content creator looking to have your articles appear on Google News, there are several steps you can take to increase your chances of being included. Here's a general outline of the process:

Create high-quality content: Ensure that your content meets the standards of journalistic integrity and provides value to readers. Publish original, timely, and well-written articles that adhere to Google's content policies.

Have a dedicated news website: Google News requires publishers to have a dedicated website specifically for news content. Make sure your website follows the technical and quality guidelines set by Google.

Use structured data markup: Implement structured data markup, such as the Google News-specific structured data, on your news articles. This helps Google's algorithms understand your content better and increases the likelihood of inclusion in Google News.

Submit your website to Google News: Once you have a dedicated news website and structured data markup in place, you can submit your website for inclusion in Google News. Visit the Google News Publisher Center ( and follow the instructions to submit your website for review.

Comply with Google News Publisher Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the Google News Publisher Guidelines, which outline the content and technical requirements for inclusion in Google News. Ensure that your website and content adhere to these guidelines.

Focus on quality signals: Google News considers various factors when determining which articles to include in its news results. Factors such as relevance, originality, authority, user experience, and credibility of the publisher are taken into account. Pay attention to these quality signals to improve your chances of appearing in Google News.

While following these steps can increase your chances of being included in Google News, it does not guarantee automatic inclusion. Google's algorithms determine which articles and publishers appear in Google News based on a range of factors. It may take some time for your website to be reviewed and considered for inclusion.  We recommend following the news sources you trust.  

What Actually is Fake News?

Fake news refers to false or misleading information presented as factual news. It can be created and spread through various mediums, such as social media platforms, websites, or traditional media outlets. Fake news often aims to deceive or manipulate readers, either for financial gain, political purposes, or to generate sensationalism.

The rise of digital platforms and the ease of sharing information online have contributed to the spread of fake news. These false stories can be designed to mimic legitimate news sources, making it challenging for readers to discern the truth. Fake news can have significant consequences, as it can shape public opinion, influence elections, and even incite social unrest.

To combat the spread of fake news, it is crucial to verify information from reliable sources, fact-check claims, and cross-reference news across multiple sources. Media literacy and critical thinking skills are vital in evaluating the credibility of news articles and sources. Fact-checking organizations and news literacy initiatives play an essential role in debunking fake news and promoting accurate information.

It is important to be cautious when consuming news and to be aware of the potential biases and motivations behind the sources. By promoting media literacy and responsible consumption of information, individuals can play a part in mitigating the impact of fake news in society.

Why are so many conservative opinions being censored by the media? 

The claim that conservative opinions are being systematically censored by the media is a contentious and debated topic. It is important to approach this issue with nuance and recognize that the media landscape is complex and diverse, comprising a wide range of outlets with varying perspectives.

While it is true that there have been instances where certain conservative voices or viewpoints have faced restrictions or challenges in specific platforms or contexts, it is crucial to consider the broader factors that contribute to these situations. Here are a few factors that are often cited in discussions about perceived censorship:

Terms of Service and Community Guidelines: Social media platforms, search engines, and other online services have policies and guidelines that dictate what kind of content is allowed and what may be subject to removal. These guidelines aim to maintain a certain level of safety, prevent harassment, and curb the spread of misinformation. Sometimes, conservative opinions may be flagged or removed if they violate these rules.

Algorithmic Bias: Algorithms used by social media platforms and search engines to curate content can inadvertently lead to the suppression or limited visibility of certain viewpoints. Algorithms are designed to prioritize engagement and user preferences, which can result in creating "filter bubbles" and reinforcing existing biases. This can affect content from any political ideology, not just conservative opinions.

Media Ownership and Bias: Media outlets are often owned by corporations or individuals with specific ideological or political leanings. This ownership can influence the editorial choices and coverage of certain issues. It is important to recognize that bias exists across the political spectrum and can affect how news is reported and presented.

Perception and Confirmation Bias: People may perceive censorship or bias when their views are challenged or when they see opposing views receiving more attention. Confirmation bias, where individuals seek out information that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, can contribute to the perception of censorship.

Advertising Revenue & Bias: People may perceive censorship or bias when their views are challenged or when they see opposing views receiving more attention. Confirmation bias, where individuals seek out information that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, can contribute to the perception of censorship.

Conservative voices continue to have significant representation across various media channels but are harder to find.  It is crucial to promote open dialogue, critical thinking, and media literacy to address concerns related to the diversity of viewpoints and ensure that all perspectives are adequately represented in public discourse.

Advertising Revenue and Bias of Big Pharma on Media

Advertising revenue can have an influence on media organizations, including potential biases in their coverage. This influence extends beyond the pharmaceutical industry to various sectors that advertise through media outlets. Here are some key points to consider regarding advertising revenue and the potential bias of big pharma in the media:

Advertising Revenue and Media Independence: Media outlets heavily rely on advertising revenue to sustain their operations. This dependence on advertisers can create a potential conflict of interest as media organizations may be inclined to prioritize the interests of their advertisers to maintain financial stability. This pressure can influence the content produced and the stories covered.

Impact on Coverage: Advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies can affect the way the media covers health-related topics, including the pharmaceutical industry itself. There have been instances where media outlets have been accused of downplaying negative stories or side effects associated with certain drugs due to advertising pressure. However, it is essential to note that this influence is not limited to pharmaceutical companies and can apply to other industries as well.

Regulatory Frameworks: Media organizations must adhere to various regulations and guidelines related to advertising, including disclosures and avoiding misleading claims. However, the extent and effectiveness of these regulations may vary across different countries and jurisdictions.

Disclosure and Transparency: Some media outlets have implemented disclosure policies to maintain transparency regarding their financial relationships with advertisers. This helps readers and viewers understand the potential influence of advertising on the content they consume.

To ensure a balanced and unbiased representation of health-related topics, it is essential for media consumers to critically evaluate the information they encounter, cross-reference multiple sources, and seek out diverse perspectives. Additionally, media organizations should prioritize transparency, disclose potential conflicts of interest, and maintain editorial independence to foster public trust.