What Is The Best Data Marketplace or API for Selling / Sharing Map Data?

Does anyone know what the best data marketplace is for selling/licensing geospatial map data?  I have been looking for resources like this for years.  

Google Maps Marketplaces were developing a product like this and then scrapped it just to integrate this data into their Places product.  

ESRI has a marketplace to showcase data but there is no transactional engine to actually license the data.  

MapBox has a large map developer community but does not seem interested in creating. 

Carto seems like it could be the best company to make this happen with its data analysis products. 

Open Street Maps is an "open" platform of data but doesn't have a premium solution for developers like us who have worked for years to aggregate data sets to be compensated for data licensing.

The map market needs a solution where any data provider can upload or use a hosted map.  This data is then accessible via a map API by other developers and users.  The usage of the data is tracked and then billed directly through the system.  

Please let us know if anyone has such a solution.